Fees/Sessions April 2024 - March 2025

Private Fees

Session Cost Notes
8am - 6pm £75 Inc breakfast, home cooked lunch, snack and a light tea
8am - 4pm £60 Inc breakfast, home cooked lunch and snack
8am - 1pm £45 Inc breakfast and home cooked lunch
1pm - 6pm £45 Inc snack and light tea

Funded Fees

Session Cost Notes

2x 9am - 4:30pm

£7.50 per day inc home cooked lunch and snack 15 Hours funded places

4x 9am - 4:30pm

£7.50 per day inc home cooked lunch and snack 30 Hours funded places
5x 9am - 12pm N/A 15 Hours funded places only
5x 1pm - 4pm N/A 15 Hours funded places only
8am - 6pm Funded full day £18.50


3x a week for 30 hours funded places

1x a week plus a half day funded session for 15 hours funded places

8am - 1pm

Funded AM session

£15 inc breakfast and lunch


1x a week with a full day funded for 15 hours funded places

4x a week for 30 hours funded places plus one full day funded

1pm - 6pm 

Funded PM session

£15 inc snack and light tea


1x a week with a full day funded for 15 hours funded places

4x a week for 30 hours funded places plus one full day funded

Funded additional sessions

Session Cost Notes
8am - 9am £7.50 Inc breakfast
12pm - 1pm £7.50 Inc lunch
4:30pm - 6pm £11.25 Inc light tea
4pm - 6pm £15 Inc light tea


Other information:

Term time only places available - Please speak with the nursery as these places are limited.

Assisted places available - For families in receipt of certain income related benefits or who are experiencing exceptional difficulties.

To apply for an assisted place, please speak to the relevant nursery manager in the first instance for an application form. 

10% Discount - For full fee paying places for children attending 5 full days.

Holiday Year Calendar 2024-2025

Holiday Year Calendar 2025-2026

Please click on the links above to access funding calendars for 2024/2025 and 2025/2026. This sets out our term-time and non-term time weeks.

To apply for a place at one of our settings please fill in an application form.

If you have any questions about our fees or sessions please don't hesitate to contact the nursery you are looking to attend.
