Address: Scarcroft Green Nursery, 54a Nunthorpe Road, York, YO23 1BP

Tel: 01904 639024


Nursery Manager: Ellen Clapham

Scarcroft Green Nursery

We are situated in the grounds of Scarcroft Primary School.

Our central location offers easy access to York City centre, making it popular with parents who work in town. The nursery looks out over Scarcroft Green park which we take the children to on a regular basis.

We are an Ofsted regulated Nursery offering high quality childcare. We are a registered charity with several assisted places available.

Our baby room has space for 9 babies. We then have a toddler room for 2-3 year olds, with space for 16 toddlers. Our pre-school room is for children age 3 until they leave for school holding space for 26 children.

Due to our location we regularly take the children on outings into the city centre visiting local shops, museums, library, and other local attractions.

We have recently been inspected by Ofsted and received Good.

'Children have opportunities to learn about people and communities that are different from themselves and their own communities. For example, they taste food from different countries and enjoy a wide selection of books celebrating diversity.'


We have our very own allotment just a short walk from the Nursery. The children love taking trips there and help with the growing produce. When ready, our home produce is used in the meals. Last Halloween our pumpkins were huge!

pumpkin banner

Meet the team

There is nothing more important than being able to trust the person looking after your child.

We recruit staff who are going to create and maintain a fantastic relationship with you and your child. All our staff are warm, caring, putting your child’s needs first. Our staff are DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked.

Within our Nursery we have a SENCo trained member of staff and a learning manager. We value all our staff, taking on apprentices and funding their training alongside offering all Nursery assistants the opportunity to further their career and fund their Level 3 Practitioner training. We also provide many courses throughout the year for staff to further their development.

As a team we have an extensive range of experience of children with additional needs. Our practitioners are highly motivated and keen to develop professionally to provide the best quality care and education for your child.

Nursery Manager

Deputy Manager and Under Twos Room Leader

Early Years Practitioner

Early Years Practitioner

Pre-school Deputy Room Leader

Pre-School Room Leader

Early Years Practitioner

Early Years Practitioner

Early Years Practitioner

Early Years Assistant

Early Years Practitioner

Early Years Assistant

Early Years Assistant

Deputy Room Leader

Apprentice EYP

Early Years Assistant

Nursery Cook

Early Years Practitioner

Early Years Practitioner

Early Years Assistant

Supply Early Years Practitioner

Supply Early Years Practitioner

Food and Nutrition

At York Childcare we take great pride in offering children home cooked food prepared onsite each day following the early years guidelines for healthy, nutritional diets. We cater for all allergies, intolerance's and cultural/religious preferences using a colour coded system that all staff follow. Eating round a table with other children is a fantastic way for your child to develop their culinary skills alongside providing positive encouragement for eating with each other. We have a 4 week rolling menu which is assessed on a regular basis alongside themed dinners for events. Our Christmas Dinner is a favourite with children and staff! 

Nursery Cook

All of our nutritious home cooked meals are prepared on site. Our cook offers varied dishes from all different kind of cuisines.

Dietary Requirements

All of our home cooked meals are prepared using fresh meat, fruit and vegetables. We offer alternatives for children with diagnosed allergies, intolerances, children who are vegetarian, and for children who can only eat certain foods due to cultural/religious requirements.


An example of our daily menu includes: AM snack – Homemade hash browns and beans Lunch – Build your own fajitas with rice & salad / Chocolate rice crispy cake Afternoon snack – Homemade scones and vegetable sticks / Melon and bananas